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Learn World Geography with G.E.O., an Educational Game a web-based game developed for the Austin Education Game Jam as part of SXSW 2015. It is a game of geographic exploration of the Earth, where you play the part of an alien explorer sent to Earth in order to gather information and resources from various locations. You have a limited amount of time and fuel with which to complete your mission. With each country that you identify, your probe is able to link you to a wealth of additional information gathered from a tap it has made into the Earth’s Internet, allowing the player to learn several important facts about the countries they discover along their journey. Correct location selections resupply a small amount of fuel, so that the more correct selections the player makes, the better your chance for success.

Once the “mission” segment of the game completes, the player is free to continue exploring the planet, or start another game. There are 243 countries and 134 bodies of water that can be discovered and researched by the player. How many will you find? G.E.O. was developed during a 48-hour game jam using the Cesium library for all mapping functionality, the GeoNames geographical database for geolocation services and references the World Factbook for detailed country information.