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Siddhesh Ranade


Business Development

Siddhesh has experience as a full stack developer working on various SaaS platforms, such as Salesforce. More recently, he’s specialized in web development and frontend engineering. Siddhesh is a creative developer who especially enjoys using JS frameworks (like React) to build beautiful websites, games, and even tools that help him in his personal life. 

Siddhesh has a master’s degree in software engineering from the University of Maryland (UMD).

Outside of software, Siddhesh loves writing (mostly essays), reading (usually fiction but also history), music (hip-hop is his favorite genre), and watching soccer. A broad learner, he often takes on “side-quests”; for example, while in grad school he also joined UMD’s student government, played tennis and squash, and tried kayaking and mountain biking, all for the first time. 

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Siddhesh RanadeSiddhesh Ranade