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Cesium ion SDK

Analytics to unlock insights from geospatial data

Bring analysis to your 3D visualization. The Cesium ion SDK JavaScript library extends the open source CesiumJS JavaScript library and includes additional GPU-accelerated 3D analysis tools and ready-to-use UI widgets.

Measure distance and areas, perform line of sight, viewshed, and visibility analysis, and include ready-to-use UI widgets into your custom apps.

Data fusion

Analyze within a dataset or across disparate datasets—from point clouds to BIM models to terrain to stationary or dynamic objects.


Draw confident conclusions using a level of precision originally developed for aerospace.

GPU acceleration

Get optimal performance for client-side analysis using the parallelism and computational power of the GPU.

Developer friendly

Build apps using a fully documented API, code examples, and customizable components with the same quality as CesiumJS.


Measurement tools

Accurately measure any object or between multiple objects at any scale, whether you’re measuring the height of a bridge, the distance from a drone to the ground, or the length of a hiking trail.

  • Distance between any two points, with optional horizontal and vertical locking
  • Height of a point above terrain
  • Polygonal area measurements
  • Latitude, longitude, height, and slope of any point

Clipping planes editor

Add and configure clipping planes to reveal an interior or examine data obscured by structures or terrain.

Transform editor

Position, rotate, and scale objects with a visual interface in a full 3D context.

Sensor geometries and visibility analysis tools

Efficiently understand the impact of sensor visibility for drones, satellites, autonomous vehicles, or any stationary or moving object.

  • GPU-accelerated line of sight, viewshed, and visibility analytics
  • Multiple sensor geometries including cones, rectangles, and domes
  • Custom sensor geometries
Black and white fan over a mountain on the globe, illustrating the ability to visualize additional static and dynamic 3D shapes such as vectors and fans for azimuth-elevation masks in Cesium.

Additional geometries

Visualize additional static and dynamic 3D shapes such as vectors and fans for azimuth-elevation masks.

Request an evaluation

Learn more about analytics tools in Cesium.