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Cesium Ecosystem Grant Recipient Directory

The following recipients impressed us with their commitment to opening the 3D geospatial ecosystem and using it to solve challenging issues.

  • Close up image of Mars landscape, partially ocvered in a grid of tiles outlinesGarrett Johnson Grant Recipient Logo

    Garrett Johnson

    3DTilesRendererJS is an open source library originally developed by NASA/Caltech-Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that enables efficient rendering and interaction of 3D Tiles in Three.js. This grant project will add expanded support in 3DTilesRendererJS for the 3D Tiles specification - specifically new metadata expansions - as well as features for enabling data overlays useful for understanding 3D Tiles Mars terrain data from NASA JPL.

  • WebODM Cesium Pipeline Grant RecipientAeroAI Logo Grant Recipient

    Osarodion Victory Igbinobaro, AERO AI

    AERO AI created the Simulated Environment for Geospatial Assets (SiEGA) platform, which integrates a diverse array of 3D technologies within a sophisticated physics engine. Their Cesium Ecosystem Grant supports the WebODM Reintegration Project, supporting the WebODM Cesium plugin. The plugin will allow the seamless integration of georeferenced maps and models generated in Open Drone Map (ODM), a free and open source drone imagery processing platform, with Cesium ion. This will enable users from AEC, environmental conservation, geospatial analysis, and beyond to benefit from the ability to integrate, process, analyze, and visualize aerial data and 3D geospatial information.

  • GISWorld Grant recipient imageMohammad Hosseingholizadeh, GISWorld, Ecosystem Grant Recipient Logo

    Mohammad Hosseingholizadeh, GISWorld

    GISWorld, a tech startup, has introduced GISWorld Academy on YouTube, intending to make geospatial knowledge accessible to all. The academy's primary objective is to equip individuals with skills in various open source geospatial tools. This project will introduce a series of 10 tutorials on using CesiumJS and harnessing it in the open 3D geospatial ecosystem. Tutorials will showcase CesiumJS capabilities and how to use it with other geospatial tools and software, such as QGIS, Blender, and geospatial databases, thereby highlighting its full potential in 3D visualization.

  • Pelican Mapping visual for Ecosystem Grant Recipient Pelican Mapping Logo, Ecosystem Grant Recipient

    Jason Beverage, Pelican Mapping

    osgEarth is an open source project that has been in development for nearly 15 years and has been deeply integrated into a large number of important programs across various industries and relied upon by hundreds of thousands of users globally. Integrating Cesium Native into osgEarth will provide first class access to Cesium’s core technologies like 3D Tiles and Cesium ion for users of these programs and more. Because of osgEarth’s modular architecture, users will immediately be able to visualize data using Cesium Native by editing a few lines of XML in their Earth File – adding Cesium ion layers without requiring any code changes to their core applications.

  • IFC BIM picture, grant recipient IFC OpenShell Logo, Ecosystem Grant Recipient

    Thomas Krijnen, IfcOpenShell

    This project and the Cesium platform will uplift BIM (Building Information Modeling) and its main open source exchange standard (IFC) into semantic city models and scalable digital twins, fostering collaboration and innovation. Grant project will include open documentation with performance characteristics and a usage guide on how to get a model to convert successfully along with a working software implementation extended with performance optimizations and the ability to render geospatially referenced glTFs.

  • Spatial Opportunity Lab visual, Grant Recipient Wentworth Institute of Technology Logo, Ecosystem Grant Recipient

    Ryan Thomas, Wentworth Institute of Technology

    Ryan Thomas, an adjunct professor at Wentworth Institute of Technology is launching the Spatial Opportunity Lab, teaching students to leverage open-source and low-threshold geospatial. Beyond integrating practical, hands-on experience with geospatial tools formally into the curriculum, the Spatial Opportunity lab will contribute to the broader educational community and the built environment industry through community engagement with local-to-Boston partnerships and an online repository of open tutorials.

  • North Road and Lutra logo Ecosystem Grant Recipients

    Emma Hain, North Road with Lutra Consulting

    This collaborative project between North Road Consulting (AUS) and Lutra Consulting (UK) expands the 3D Tiles ecosystem by providing access to 3D tiles within QGIS, an Open Source desktop GIS application with over a million users. This fulfills a critical need for QGIS users, permitting access to 3D data alongside all other standard geospatial layers. For current Cesium 3D Tiles users, it will enable an Open Source desktop option. In the Open Source ecosystem of QGIS, this project is the first step on the roadmap toward the use of processing and interoperability tools with 3D tiles.

  • Visual of Turkey earthquake from Hidenori Watanave, Ecosystem Grant recipient

    Hidenori Watanave Laboratory, The University of Tokyo

    Today, we live in an age of frequent severe global disasters that occur every year. However, the "memories of disasters" are quickly overwritten and forgotten. By building a "digital archive" with the grant and communicating the "memories of disasters" to the world, we seek to create a motivation for society to "learn from the past and apply it to the future". The participation of young people, including students, will make these activities sustainable.

  • Agora World Logo, Grant Recipient Ethan Berg

    Ethan Berg, Agora World

    Agora World offers a user-friendly, no-code 3D geospatial metaverse design platform, democratizing access to and empowering users to create immersive experiences. By integrating Agora World with Cesium, our goal is to create an intuitive and easy-to-use 3D geospatial metaverse design platform so everyone, no matter the device they have or the technical expertise they have, can create in 3D geospatial.

  • Vietnam War Missing in Action (MIA) Support - Cesium Ecosystem Grant RecipientGradata Systems logo, Ecosystem Grant recipient

    Peter Kimberley, Gradata Systems

    A historical research team from University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Gradata Systems has mapped Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War. This new project’s mission is to assist the Vietnamese people (through the Vietnamese Government) with finding their ancestors who were casualties in the Vietnam War. There are an estimated 300,000 Vietnamese soldiers' remains that have not been found to date.