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i_city E-bike Integrates Heterogeneous Sensor Data in a 3D City Model to Simulate E-bike Usage

Built as part of Thunyathep (Joe) Santhanavanich’s master’s thesis, i_city E-bike Sharing is an application made with Cesium for analyzing the E-bike sharing system in Stuttgart.

The app takes data from heterogeneous sensors, including those on the E-bikes, which track a variety of data, such as battery level, geospatial altitude, pedal force, and motor support level. The app gives researchers greater insights with charts that compare selected parameters.

System Architecture

System Architecture

By converting the sensor data to CZML format, Santhanavanich was able to simulate the 3D path of historical E-bike routes in Cesium with a path visualization over time. To help users understand the area better, bike routes are set in a 3D city model, which is integrated with points of interest such as bike stations and bus stations.

For more information, see the thesis, “Visualization and Analysis of E-bike Usage in 3D City Model by Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Data.”