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Mentoring Penn Students Contributing to 3D Tiles

We’re thrilled to have two students from the University of Pennsylvania contributing to Cesium this fall. Judy Weng and Sumit Shyamsukha are both in Dr. Chris Murphy’s Open-Source Software Development course, CIS 399. In the course students learn about open source software development while simultaneously working on an existing open source project.

Students have to apply in order to be admitted to the course, and we feel lucky to have Judy and Sumit working with us. Sumit is a sophomore in Computer and Information Science (CIS). Judy is a senior and working toward a masters in CIS as well.

Judy and Sumit both chose to join the Cesium team’s efforts to develop the proposed community standard 3D Tiles ecosystem. They will spend the semester developing open-source tools for 3D Tiles. Their tools will help developers adopt 3D Tiles and ensure that their 3D Tiles datasets are inter-operable. Follow their progress on GitHub.

As their industry mentor, I’ll give them guidance and feedback on their work, while Dr. Murphy meets with them weekly to review their progress and discuss readings on open source software development. As part of the CIS 399 course, Judy and Sumit are each maintaining a blog.