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GIS-enabled 3D Visualization for High-Speed Data Analytics

Developed by General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), GD MetOcn Viewer (GDMOV) is a GIS-enabled 3D visualization tool for high-speed data analytics and rich internet METOC applications. Rich internet METOC applications allow the user to transfer grib data files from METOC production centers and to display them using Web Mapping Services (WMS) via GeoServer. GDMOV is hosted on Amazon Cloud, has a big data backend integrated with GeoServer, and includes data stream processing using STORM topology. STORM topology uses ultra-high throughput and elastic distribution to disseminate, extract, load, transform, and process large data files. This solution is scalable for rapid data retrieval and display. Rich internet applications have been implemented as a 100% open source software solution.

GDMOV can adapt to and display new data types (e.g., NetCDF, grib, Geotiff, KML, KMZ). In addition to handling many common METOC data types, the solution provides a demonstration of commercial aircraft flight paths that are thresholded (e.g., winds, temp, icing) for METOC impacts on flight safety. GDMOV can also be adapted to bring in ship tracks or routes and Automated Information System (AIS) data for simultaneous display on a Common Operation Picture (COP), in support of general command and control (C2) capabilities.