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View Cutting-Edge Geoscience Datasets with the GPlates Portal

The EarthByte Group leads the development of open-source plate reconstruction software – GPlates.

GPlates enables the interactive manipulation of plate-tectonic reconstructions and the visualization of geodata through geological time, and it facilitates interoperability of plate tectonic data and models with geodynamic computing services for applied and fundamental research purposes.

The GPlates Portal is the gateway to a series of web pages for the interactive visualization of cutting-edge geoscience datasets shown in Cesium.

The global Vertical Gravity Gradient (VGG) map, recently published in the journal ‘Science’, shows unprecedented detail of Earth’s gravity field derived from satellite altimetry.

The Plate Tectonic Reconstructions of Gravity Maps shows the spatio-temporal relationships between present-day seafloor morphology and plate tectonic processes in Cesium.