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Cesium is growing and AGI is hiring

Cesium is growing fast. The forum is increasingly busy. Lots of folks are presenting about Cesium at conferences (besides us!). Developers are building Cesium apps in industries that we didn't even realize would benefit from Cesium. Just about every day, I personally get an email from someone new moving to Cesium.

AGI, the company who started Cesium, is excited by this growth and has a couple of new positions on the core Cesium team to help continue our awesome progress. Check them out and email me,, if you are interested.

  • Software Developer, Developer Relations - Help spread the word about Cesium. Code awesome demos. Write tutorials. Help developers. Give talks. Wear cool Cesium t-shirts. I want this job but there is only one of me.
  • Senior Graphics Architect - Solve hard graphics problems. Design fancy data structures. Implement fancy algorithms. Make things fast. Make things pretty. Read research papers. Perhaps even write some because your work will be that bleeding edge. I want this job too.

Even if you're not currently available, please help spread the word.